Career Decision??? I think I have finally decided on internal medicine as a career choice. However, I continue to waiver and feel unsure about this on a daily basis (I know I drive Brandon crazy). The nice thing about internal medicine is that there are so many different options in terms of fellowships, lifestyle, etc. It is a broad field. So I went ahead and met with an internal medicine advisor and am getting things together for my residency application. I will apply around September and hopefully interview between late November and early January.
Brandon: Brandon continues to enjoy his job at Brookwood. I absolutely love his coworkers! In June, he is picking up a flexi job (meaning he only has to work 3 times a month, but can work more if he wants) at St. Vincent's, where my Dad works. Hopefully this can give us a little more control over the days of the week he works.
Brutus: Brutus is thriving on his diet. We are religiously measuring his food, which really seems to have helped. In addition, the weather has been really nice for walking him. He is anxiously awaiting the arrival of his little Cavalier King Charles cousin, Bear, in June. My mom and I go to Georgia on June 5th to pick him up. He will be in Birmingham for one week before going up to Nashville. I am so excited! Here is Bear and his brother:
Sarah's Graduation: We spent last weekend in Nashville for Sarah's Vanderbilt graduation and had a great time. It was so nice to see Grandma and Blake's family. Sarah has an awesome job as Gallery Director at Tinney Contemporary Art Gallery in Nashville. Also, congrats to Sarah and Blake on their recent engagement! The wedding date is set for March 5, 2011.
*For some reason my pictures look really fuzzy on the website, but you get the idea!