Charlotte was 4 months old on November 3rd. I am obviously a little late getting this post up, but it has been quite a busy month for our family! Thank goodness we have such an easy-going, adaptable baby.
*Weight - 12 lb 1 oz (5th-10th percentile)
*Length - 24 inches (25th-50th percentile)
(Interestingly enough, I looked at my baby book 4 month stats ... I was 24 1/4 inches long - almost exactly the same as Charlotte - but weighed 17 pounds!)
*Diaper size - she just moved into Pampers size 2 at the end of the month ... they are a little big but the 1's are getting too snug
*Clothing size - completely depends on the brand. 3 months, 3-6 months, 6 months. She continues to require bigger sizes in the footed pajamas to accommodate her long legs!
*Eats - We have had a lot of change this month in the eating department. With me starting work, Charlotte is now partially bottle-fed and partially breastfed. I am pumping at work, which has proved to be somewhat challenging as my schedule is hectic and I don't have an office. I spend lots of time sitting on a toilet in the handicapped bathroom with my pump ... not ideal. Getting her to take a bottle was a mighty challenge, but she finally gave in and is doing great. She goes back and forth between breast and bottle without difficulty. After trying every bottle and nipple on the market, we ended up with the Playtex drop-in bottles because they can be bought with a latex nipple - which Charlotte really seems to prefer. On average she eats 4-6 oz 5-6 times per day.
We still have the occasional bad spit-up that comes shooting out of her nose!
*Sleep - Charlotte is a wonderful sleeper at night, but a terrible napper. She goes to bed between 7:30 and 8:30 and wakes up when I get up between 4:30 and 5:30. If she takes a good nap during the day, it is usually in the morning. Sometimes this nap will last for two hours, other times only 30-45 minutes. It is very difficult to get her to nap in the afternoon. Overall she is a content, happy baby, and the only time she gets fussy or frantic is during the day when she is tired and can't fall asleep. Helping her settle down and get to sleep is a challenge. However, at bedtime she has no trouble and goes to sleep. She still sleeps in her bassinet next to my side of the bed.
She still sleeps with her hands up by her head, like she has done since she was born (I guess she has liked this position from the very beginning ... hands were always by her head in our ultrasounds)
*Likes - her hands (I might call this an obsession), the swing, the activity mat, sitting straight up (she hates to lie in a semi-reclined position, like in her car seat), standing, her bumbo seat, Brutus, baths, reading books (her favorites seem to be Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See, and People magazine), watching tv and looking at the computer screen (we attempt to limit this but it's hard to keep her turned away), the changing table, playing airplane
*Dislikes - the car seat, naps, riding in the backseat of the car by herself (therefore, Brandon and Charlotte usually sit in the backseat while I drive). Honestly, she is a pretty content baby ... I can't think of any other dislikes at the moment. Even tummy time is becoming less of a dislike (but she isn't doing well enough to put it in the "like" category yet!).
A rare angry moment. Charlotte is not the most patient baby, but she is easily pacified when she gets what she wants (usually being picked up). She goes from screaming to laughing in seconds. Therefore, she really doesn't cry much at all. Brandon and I were talking about this the other night ... we estimate that, literally, she probably does not cry more than 5 minutes total in a typical day when one of us has her (I can't speak for what she does in daycare or when anyone else keeps her!).
*Other happenings - Charlotte had her ride on an airplane and went to Middlebury, VT. She is rolling over stomach to back, and almost has back to stomach (she still gets caught on her arm). She is laughing now. Her hands move much more smoothly and grab everything, especially hair and glasses. I think she will be able to put her pacifier back in her mouth pretty soon, which Brandon and I are looking forward to.
First Halloween
I went back to work this month, and Charlotte started daycare two days a week. So far it has gone really well (daycare, that is), although I think she is a little high maintenance and doesn't nap much or like to be put down. Who can blame her? To be perfectly honest, going back to work has been a major adjustment ... I would say Charlotte is handling it much better than me! We are so thankful for all of our family and friends who are supporting us through this transition.
First day of daycare. It has been really nice to have her in daycare right next to UAB. Yesterday I was able to walk over and feed her in the afternoon while I was waiting for cardiology to see one of my patients. I truly feel like she is in caring hands when she is there.
October 26th ... my first day of residency