Thursday, September 22, 2011

Phone Dump

Lately I seem to have taken many more pictures on my phone than with my actual camera ... here are some of my favorites from birth until present (11.5 weeks old)!
Heading home from the hospital 7/7/11
Venetian Nail Spa 7/16/11
Sleeping at Miss Judy's in Franklin, TN 9/7/11

Friday, September 9, 2011

2 Months!

As of September 3rd, Charlotte is two months old.  I cannot believe how quickly time is flying by.  She has changed so much!
*Weight - 9 lb 2 oz (5th-10th percentile)
*Length - 22 inches (10th-25th percentile)
*Diaper Size - Size 1 (Pampers Swaddlers fit best ... Huggies are too loose around her legs which have led to a few leaks!!)
*Clothing Size - 0-3 months
*Eats - Charlotte is still exclusively breastfeeding.  She eats every 3 hours during the day, and more frequently in the evenings before she goes to bed.  The number of feedings at night varies widely.  She is very efficient, usually taking around 15 minutes per feed.  Spit-ups happen all the time, but despite of them she is getting enough to eat and gaining weight well.  Besides for take-out Chinese food, I haven't been able to identify anything that I am eating that makes her consistently have GI issues ... it seems to be pretty random.
*Sleep - The night of September 4th was a milestone ... Charlotte slept through the night from 10 P.M. until 5 A.M.!!  She still isn't consistent, but things are headed in the right direction.  She usually goes down for the night between 9:30 and 11:30.  On a typical night she wakes up between 2 and 4, and again between 6 and 7.  After the 6 or 7 A.M. feed she tends to have a fussy/gassy period and it's hard to get her to go back to sleep.  She will sleep for several hours in the afternoon, but only if she is held or in her car seat.  This current sleeping pattern has been going on for 2-3 weeks.  Before that I was getting only 1-1.5 hour stretches of sleep at a time.  After searching desperately online for new ideas, I decided to try sleeping her in the swing ... it has been a lifesaver.  She slept exclusively in her swing for a week or two, and is now starting the night in the bassinet and finishing up in the swing.  Whatever works!
*Likes - baths, the swing, looking at the mirror above our couch and my striped nightgown, walks, sleeping in her car seat when in a restaurant or coffee shop, stretching out with her arms above her head, standing on her legs, being held, her paci, grabbing Aunt Catherine's hair, her Bumbo seat, facing out in the Moby wrap so she can see the world
*Dislikes - tummy time, being put down, diaper changes in the middle of the night, not getting fed the INSTANT she requests it
*What else she is up to  - She is more and more interactive every day.  She is smiling and cooing, and has even started to give little laughs (even to people other than Aunt Catherine!).  Her eyes are always looking around and taking everything in.  It is funny to watch her focus on objects and furrow her brow very seriously.  Her head control is pretty good unless she is really sleepy.  She is able to push up her head, chest, and back when on her tummy.  Her arms and legs are moving all the time ... she is very squirmy!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Meeting Great-Grandma

My grandma made the trip to Birmingham last week to meet Charlotte.  As always, we had a wonderful time.  She chose a great time to visit, as Charlotte was 7 weeks old and had started to smile and coo.  We even got to celebrate her birthday while she was here!  Sarah and Blake were in town the same weekend, which was an added bonus.
Dinner at Daniel George to celebrate Grandma's birthday with Eleanor, Elizabeth, Anna, and Eleanor's brother and sister-in-law
The birthday girl!
With Anna, Elizabeth, and Eleanor
One of our tasks for the visit was to get photos of all four generations.  Here are my four favorites!