As of October 3rd, Charlotte is three months old. She is getting more fun and interactive every day!
*Weight - 10 lb 13 oz (5th-10th percentile)
*Length - 23 1/4 inches (25th percentile)
*Diaper size - Size 1 (Pampers swaddlers continue to be our favorite)
*Clothing size - 0-3 months, although she is starting to outgrow her footed pajamas because her legs are so long! Shopping for this long, lean baby is a challenge ...
*Eats - Charlotte is still exclusively breastfeeding and continues to be a good, efficient eater. We usually go about three hours between feeds during the day, with more frequent nursing in the evenings. The reflux/spitting up continues, and the pediatrician reassures me that in the coming months it should resolve (hopefully sooner rather than later after going through five outfits today!). She is no longer taking Zantac, as I can't tell it makes much difference.
*Sleep - I am happy to report MAJOR improvement in this area. Charlotte's bedtime is between 8:30 and 9:30, and she wakes up once during the night between 3:30 and 4:00 to eat. She then wakes up for the day between 7:00 and 9:00. We are no longer walking around like zombies, which has improved the morale in our house greatly! She sleeps in the bassinet at night and in her crib during the day. For the first two months I never really put her down for a true nap. She usually slept in my arms or was in her swing / bouncer for 10 minutes here or there. This past month I have been putting her down for naps in the crib. She will sleep anywhere from 20-45 minutes, 2-3 times per day. We are attempting the Baby Whisperer's EASY schedule (eat, activity, sleep, you (meaning me!!) time), and it's been working pretty well.
*Likes - Charlotte LOVES to stare at letters, usually on the t-shirt of whoever is holding her. She anticipates finding letters in the left breast pocket area of a shirt and almost looks disappointed when someone holds her and isn't wearing a t-shirt. Her other likes are baths, her swing, being on her changing table during the day, looking at the tv or computer screen (she appears to be mesmerized by both), the bumbo seat, the baby bjorn, watching Brandon and Brutus wrestle
Beginning of the month ... still has most of her hair
End of the month ... starting to lose it on top!
*Dislikes - her car seat and car rides (the car does NOT put her to sleep as I am told it does for many babies), the changing table at night, naps, sitting in a reclined position (she likes to be sitting forward), turning her head to the left while sleeping (we are rotating which side she is facing to prevent asymmetric flattening of the back of her head, but she ALWAYS has it turned to the right!), tummy time (although she is doing better than last month)
*Other happenings - Charlotte is
rolling over from her stomach to her back! She did this for the first time when she was 11 weeks 6 days old while watching football with me, my mom, and Sarah. She has also
discovered her hands and brings her fists and wrists to her mouth to suck all the time (hasn't quite figured out how to get one or two fingers in her mouth). Her
personality is starting to emerge ... overall she appears to be happy, smiley, and laid-back, but when she decides she wants something she wants it YESTERDAY! She has a very distinctive mad cry that almost makes us laugh, which she turns on and off on a dime. We took our
first road trip to visit Miss Judy in Franklin, TN at the beginning of the month. She did great in the car ... I stopped once 20 minutes outside of Birmingham to put her paci back in on the way up, and didn't stop at all on the way home! Let's hope our plane ride to Vermont next week goes just as smoothly ...