*Weight - around 13 lb 8 oz (according to the scale at Buy Buy Baby ... no visit to the pediatrician this month!)
*Height - not sure
*Diaper size - size 2
*Clothing size - 3-6 months and 6 months in most brands
*Eats - Still breast feeding in the morning and at night, and eating formula or pumped breast milk during the day. She is now taking 6-7 oz per feeding. Around Thanksgiving, we introduced her to rice cereal. She has had it a few times since then, and seems to like it!
First time eating rice cereal, November 26th
*Sleep - Charlotte goes to sleep for the night between 8-9 P.M., and wakes up to eat between 5-6 A.M. On days she doesn't go to daycare, she will sometimes go back to sleep until 9 - 10 A.M. She usually wakes up once or twice during the night screaming, but quickly goes back to sleep when we give her a pacifier. Some nights we have to put her in the swing to get her to go back to sleep. She struggles with naps during the day. She usually sleeps 30-45 minutes at a time, with an occasional 2 hour nap. At the end of the month we plan to transition her to the crib in her room, but for now she remains in her bassinet.
*Likes - Brutus (he reproducibly makes her laugh), baths, the swing, her activity mat, Sophie the giraffe, putting anything and everything in her mouth, rice cereal, pulling hair, pulling glasses
*Dislikes - naps
*First Thanksgiving
*First trip to see Santa
Charlotte visited Santa for the first time. She had fun getting dressed up in her Christmas dress (she doesn't wear dresses much, and enjoyed the fact that she could pull the entire thing up and stuff it into her mouth).
Charlotte's picture with Santa. She was very serious, but did not cry.
Being cute at the mall is exhausting
Stayed tuned for a post on Charlotte's first trips to the emergency room ... first as a concerned daughter and most recently as a patient!