Charlotte was 7 months old on February 3rd (so this post will cover January 3rd - February 3rd). Our big events for the month were Charlotte's baptism and Alabama's national championship.
She LOVES Brutus!
And the feeling is mutual!
Not crawling on all fours, but she rolls and scoots and manages to get where she wants to go
*Height - not sure
*Diaper size - size 2
*Clothing size - mostly 6 months, but she is filling them out and almost ready for the next size up!
*Eats - I stopped breastfeeding halfway through the month, which was a difficult transition for me. I hated to give it up, but work just got too demanding and it became more of a stress than a positive experience. My goal was to make it to 6 months and I made it a few weeks past that, so overall I am proud of myself. Charlotte drinks anywhere from 5 to 8 oz bottles throughout the day with no real schedule. We should probably aim to get her on a breakfast, lunch, dinner, bedtime bottle schedule, but for now she eats when she wants to. She has just started eating stage 2 baby foods (chicken and rice, turkey and sweet potatoes, etc). She likes most fruits and really seems to enjoy peas.
*Sleep - Not even sure where to begin on this category. As our child has become more demanding and begun to exert her personality, sleep deprivation and exhaustion have gotten the best of us and we are sliding backwards in terms of making her an independent sleeper and self-soother. "The family bed" sums up sleep for us this month. Invariably between midnight and 3AM, Charlotte works her way in between us in bed and happily sleeps until we get up for the day. She usually starts off in her bassinet, then throws a temper tantrum until we give in and put her in bed. We know the right thing is to let her cry it out, but we also know that putting her in bed stops the crying and gives us all a few more hours of good sleep. Next month should be a little lighter at work, and we plan to have sleep bootcamp in our house. Charlotte will be moving into her own room in the big crib!
*Likes - Brutus; taking walks in the BOB stroller at Jemison Park; "bamming" tables, pots, boxes, etc with her hands; sitting up and playing with her toys; eating her bib instead of eating her food from the spoon; the Direct TV remote; the cap of her bottle (this is more popular with her than any baby toy we own); baths (she has started splashing)
*What else Charlotte has been up to - This month Charlotte has been sitting independently. We still leave pillows around her just in case, but she has really mastered sitting. It gives her a whole new way to play with her toys. Playing with toys has also become more fun as she can easily transfer objects from hand to hand. Mastering sitting has also allowed us to use restaurant highchairs! This has completely transformed our dining out experience. She is close to crawling, but not quite there. She is pushing up on all fours, but not making forward progress yet (she tends to go backwards). She gets where she wants to go by rolling across the room. In terms of verbal milestones, she started babbling at the very end of the month. Her favorite thing to say is "da-da".
*Charlotte's Baptism
*Alabama's National Championship
*Iphone photo dump
Not crawling on all fours, but she rolls and scoots and manages to get where she wants to go
*Weight - not sure, no visit to the pediatrician this month - but last month's weight of 14 lb 9 oz was really a 6.5 month weight as we were late getting her to her 6 month appointment. Maybe close to 15 lbs?
*Height - not sure
*Diaper size - size 2
*Clothing size - mostly 6 months, but she is filling them out and almost ready for the next size up!
*Eats - I stopped breastfeeding halfway through the month, which was a difficult transition for me. I hated to give it up, but work just got too demanding and it became more of a stress than a positive experience. My goal was to make it to 6 months and I made it a few weeks past that, so overall I am proud of myself. Charlotte drinks anywhere from 5 to 8 oz bottles throughout the day with no real schedule. We should probably aim to get her on a breakfast, lunch, dinner, bedtime bottle schedule, but for now she eats when she wants to. She has just started eating stage 2 baby foods (chicken and rice, turkey and sweet potatoes, etc). She likes most fruits and really seems to enjoy peas.
Eating a mum-mum rice rusk
*Sleep - Not even sure where to begin on this category. As our child has become more demanding and begun to exert her personality, sleep deprivation and exhaustion have gotten the best of us and we are sliding backwards in terms of making her an independent sleeper and self-soother. "The family bed" sums up sleep for us this month. Invariably between midnight and 3AM, Charlotte works her way in between us in bed and happily sleeps until we get up for the day. She usually starts off in her bassinet, then throws a temper tantrum until we give in and put her in bed. We know the right thing is to let her cry it out, but we also know that putting her in bed stops the crying and gives us all a few more hours of good sleep. Next month should be a little lighter at work, and we plan to have sleep bootcamp in our house. Charlotte will be moving into her own room in the big crib!
This is how Charlotte and I spent much of our time together in January. I was on hematology/oncology wards, and it was an incredibly busy month (or so I thought ... the ICU this month has been even busier)
*Likes - Brutus; taking walks in the BOB stroller at Jemison Park; "bamming" tables, pots, boxes, etc with her hands; sitting up and playing with her toys; eating her bib instead of eating her food from the spoon; the Direct TV remote; the cap of her bottle (this is more popular with her than any baby toy we own); baths (she has started splashing)
*Dislikes - being left alone in a room; being put down (makes getting anything done around the house impossible - and she is getting heavy!)
*What else Charlotte has been up to - This month Charlotte has been sitting independently. We still leave pillows around her just in case, but she has really mastered sitting. It gives her a whole new way to play with her toys. Playing with toys has also become more fun as she can easily transfer objects from hand to hand. Mastering sitting has also allowed us to use restaurant highchairs! This has completely transformed our dining out experience. She is close to crawling, but not quite there. She is pushing up on all fours, but not making forward progress yet (she tends to go backwards). She gets where she wants to go by rolling across the room. In terms of verbal milestones, she started babbling at the very end of the month. Her favorite thing to say is "da-da".
*Charlotte's Baptism
Proud parents, worn-out baby
*Alabama's National Championship
January 9, 2012 - Charlotte is ready to cheer on the Crimson Tide to a 21-0 win over LSU!
*Iphone photo dump
Banging on pots and pans
Walk at the Botanical Gardens
Lunch with Scott McKenzie ... who is now engaged!
Our special lunch at Chez Lulu, where Charlotte fed herself a bottle on pillows next to Grandpa while we ate!
Sitting in a restaurant highchair like a big girl! (And our child really does have more clothes than this one purple outfit, even though these pictures would make you think otherwise!!)
Lunch with Scott McKenzie ... who is now engaged!
Our special lunch at Chez Lulu, where Charlotte fed herself a bottle on pillows next to Grandpa while we ate!
Sitting in a restaurant highchair like a big girl! (And our child really does have more clothes than this one purple outfit, even though these pictures would make you think otherwise!!)