Here are her stats from her pediatrician visit:
Height - 29.75 inches (25th percentile). I think she may be a little taller than this ... the nurse had a really difficult time getting her height as she was screaming and trying to roll off of the exam table.
Weight - 21 pounds 11 ounces (25th percentile)
Head circumference - 18 inches (50th percentile)
Things we want to remember about Charlotte at this age:
- She is walking better and faster every day. Sometimes she even looks like she is running! Of course, this means she is less and less interested in sitting in her stroller, the highchair, or her car seat. We went on a walk to the park yesterday and she probably walked 1/2 mile of it herself.
- She now has a transitional object ... her blanket
- She is repeating many of the words we say and her vocabulary is growing. She can say mama, dada, dog, more, that, whoa, brown bear (from her book), no, yes (just starting on this one), baby
- She is enjoying books more and more. Sometimes she will even let me finish all of the words on a page before flipping to the next one. Her favorites are Each Peach Pear Plum, Go Dog Go, Brown Bear Brown Bear
- Her hair is getting long and shaggy. Putting a bow or clip in it is a losing battle. I get out her bow and she will smile and pat her head. I put the bow in, then she claps for herself and promptly removes it. If I try again, she screams "no!" and runs away. I don't want to cut her hair because I don't want her to have bangs, so I guess we are in for a few months of hair in her face.
- She LOVES Brutus and other dogs. Now when we are out taking walks she will point to other dogs and say "dog"
- We are still having a hard time getting her to eat "real" food. We have made a lot of toddler friendly meals over the past several weeks, but she spits the food out like it's poison. So she is still primarily eating jarred baby food. She will, however, eat snacks and unhealthy foods of most kinds (as we have discovered at daycare .... see report card below). We did make the transition to whole milk from formula, which she is doing really well with. Still drinking milk from a bottle and water from a sippy cup.
Who would eat real lunch when you could eat cheese balls and chocolate cake??
- Her favorite songs are "If you're happy and you know it claps your hands" and the "Itsy bitsy spider"
- She loves going to the park, and we have spent a lot of time there this month because the weather has been gorgeous. We are fortunate to have the Homewood Park within walking distance of our house. We have to try to go when we are the only ones there, because Charlotte loves the big kid slides and jungle gyms and she gets trampled by older kids when the park is busy
Climbing up to the top of the biggest slide in the park. Charlotte has NO fear and goes flying down the slide
- She loves kicking and throwing her soccer ball
- Sleep these days is going pretty well, although I would prefer it if we could shift her bedtime back and have her wake up later ... but she pretty consistently likes to go to bed around 6:30 and wake up around 5:30. She takes one nap around lunchtime (on her cot at daycare; in the recliner, stroller, or car at home)
A few other snapshots from the month:
Next up ... Halloween! Charlotte is getting ready ...
In other family news:
- I am officially done with intern year!
- Brutus had a flea infestation this past month ... gross! Apparently fleas in our area have developed a resistance to Frontline, who knew? After a trip to the vet he is doing better. We did learn, however, that he has gained TWO POUNDS since last year! A lot on his small body frame. I think a combination of lack of exercise (my fault) and a constant stream of food from the little hands above are to blame. He has started an exercise program and is getting fed hardly any dog food. Hopefully we will get the weight off of him.
His new favorite spot in the laundry basket since I banished him from the bed while he had fleas
This is why Brutus is overweight ... found him with his snout stuck in Charlotte's snack container.