Weight: 26 lb 9 oz (50%)
Height: 34 inches (75%)
Head circumference: 19 inches (75%)
Head circumference: 19 inches (75%)
Charlotte enjoys school these days, especially her teacher Ms. Alex and her friends Isla and Chandler. This summer she has had fun at water time on Wednesday's and napping in the tent. Outside of school, Charlotte loves going to the pool, the zoo (where she loves to play in the fountains in her swimsuit and ride the train), and the park. She loves the iPhone ... whether it's making prank calls to all sorts of interesting people in Mommy or Daddy's contact list or posting to Mommy's facebook page. In the mornings, she likes to watch Timmy Time while eating her yogurt and getting ready for school.
Favorite foods: cereal bars, crackers, spaghetti, pizza, beef barley soup, yogurt, cookies
Lately she has had a worsening addiction to her paci and blankie ...
Special treat on her birthday ... Daddy let her shower with her paci and blankie!
First of many parties ... at the lake
Boating with Brutus
Very blurry pictures, but these are from Charlotte's party at school. She wasn't sure what to think!
Playing in the tent!
Birthday dinner at Brio!
Looking so sweet for her party ...
Then she decided that she would rather be naked for her party
The naked birthday girl!
Happy birthday Charlotte!
Jumping on her new trampoline
Taking Maggie for a walk
Finishing a big girl lunch at Urban Cookhouse
Happy 2nd Birthday! You have been a blessing beyond measure and we are looking forward to all the fun and joy the next year will bring.