Brandon started his job this past Monday. He is in orientation all of this week, and he will start working on his unit next week. He has already met a guy in orientation who will be starting on the same unit. Both of their names are Brandon, they are both die-hard Alabama football fans, and they love the same Xbox game. [On a side note, I am beginning to think that guys of Brandon's generation are not going to "outgrow" their video games.]

I cannot believe it has been one year this week since we picked up Brutus from the airport in Atlanta. He may have been an impulsive decision (at least my mom thinks so), but it has been one of the greatest decisions we have ever made. I am happy to report that he is sleeping through the night on a consistent basis (for those of you who were unaware, he enjoyed waking Brandon up to take him out at 2AM several times a week . . . not so convenient on the 4th floor of a condo building).
Brutus enjoys ripping all our our toilet paper off of its hanger.

We also find him in our laundry basket, not infrequently, hiding his bones.

A friend of ours recently got a dog, and Brutus and I are doing obedience school with them. He is doing better than I would have thought. Although he is terrified every time we arrive at class, his inhibitions disappear once the treats come out . . . he will fight the St. Bernard for the ones that fall on the floor. I will be sure to post pictures of his graduation later this summer :)

As for me, summer has been pretty slow. I am on a research rotation which has left me with quite a bit of free time. Although my project is interesting and hopefully I will have some significant findings, I have A LOT of time off. That being said, I might be able to go to Charlottesville and D.C. with my mom and Catherine at the end of June. We will see what the ticket prices do. But for now, I spend my days running errands, doing laundry and dishes, entertaining Brutus, and watching junk TV (and more than my fair share of movies and shows on Netflix). Life could be worse :)
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