Friday, August 21, 2009

Beach Pictures and Update

I finally have a completely free weekend to catch up on errands, bills, and blogging! I thought I would post a few pictures from our trip we took to the beach at the end of July. It was a great little getaway and the water was as pretty as it has been in years. The pictures aren't exactly the best quality (I just took my little camera), but they captured the trip.
Sarah, Brandon, and Dad doing oyster shooters (an oyster floating in vodka with a splash of cocktail sauce . . . gross!)
The whole group at dinner
Brandon being sillyThe guys and their cigars
Brandon continues to enjoy his job and will begin working nights in about a month. We are also trying to figure out a way to pay for him to go to the International Stroke Conference in San Antonio next February. He will hopefully be a podium speaker - presenting research he did in college on strokes (in front of 2000 people!). He will also get a first-name publication out of this work . . . which is a lot more than I can say about the research I did this summer. Anyway, it looks like the hospital he is working for will fund part of the trip, which would be great.
As for me, I am all done with psychiatry. The rotation was interesting, but I am not sure I am cut out to do it as a career. I am really looking forward to my 8 weeks on internal medicine. It will be tough (every 4th night in-house call), but I know I will learn a lot.
Everyone be sure to cheer on the Crimson Tide when they play Virginia Tech on September 5th (I, of course, am on-call for this game!). We are excited that football season is here!


  1. Do you know if anyone is going to do fantasy football this year?

  2. I'm late to post on this, but I was rooting for VA Tech! I know, we (my alma mater) lost...

  3. fyi, "program Committee" is Tricia. I have a google group set up for work and somehow it grabbed that name instead of my emal....

  4. When are your going to update this?????????????????????

