Sunday, June 24, 2012

Tyler and Piyanka's Wedding

We recently went to the wedding of our good friends Tyler and Piyanka.  It was our first Indian wedding, but hopefully not our last!  We had so much fun!  Piyanka had gone to India over Christmas and brought back beautiful outfits for us to wear.  Mom and I briefly attempted to put on my sari with the help of a YouTube video, but the stress of trying to wrap a giant piece of fabric around me while Charlotte screamed on the floor made us quickly abandon our efforts.  Thankfully, one of the assistant wedding planners helped me get in on once we arrived (although I had shown up with the blouse on backwards!!).  This was Charlotte's first wedding and she was very well-behaved, especially considering she was up several hours past her bedtime.  Brandon was busy much of the time serving as best man, so it was really helpful to have my mom, Leah, Mike, and Robin to help me chase Charlotte around.

Family picture ... 1/3 looking the camera, 3/3 smiles, 3/3 eyes open ... not bad!
Charlotte LOVING the mango lassi!

Getting ready for the ceremony; Charlotte is checking out the horse 
Tyler getting ready to ride in on his horse 

Tyler being received by Piyanka's mother 

The wedding attracted many spectators at Ross Bridge
The bride's entrance 

It was great to have so many helpers to chase Charlotte around!

The Christian ceremony 

They are married!!

Charlotte did NOT want to stop crawling all over the hotel to pose for a picture ...

Charlotte and Brandon dancing

Charlotte and I are worn out!
With Scott and Noelle, who are getting married next summer!
Best friends
With the bride and groom!  What a wonderful wedding!